Sunday, May 11, 2014



Berlin is the famous country in Europe and its have a lots of attraction that can attract many visitors to get there.Berlin has thier own attraction such as Berlin Wall and Museum.The reason why i`m choose Berlin as fantastic destinations because many visitors did not know the unique of Berlin because Berlin is just like old town and the environment is too low.Below are the various attraction of Berlin that i can share with all of you.....Let`s have a look!!!!


The Berlin Wall, which separated the city in an eastern and western part, was the symbol of the Cold War. The wall was built by the goverment of the DDR to prevent East Germans from escaping to the West,and the most of the Berlin Wall has been demolished since the border between East and West Berlin opened in 1989.

Fall of the Wall

After Soviet President Gorbatchev visited West Germany in 1989, Hungary opened its border with Austria. This allowed East Germans to flock to the West. Meanwhile, street protests drawing more and more people put pressure on the GDR government. 

Museum Island
·           There are lots of museum located at Berlin. The Granted UNESCO National Heritage Site status in the year 1999, Berlin's Museum Island was designed to be "a sanctuary of art and science".

History of Museum Island

The five museums that comprise Berlin's famous Museum Island are located between the Spree River and the Kupfergraben. The ornate and enticing group of museums started with King Friedrich Wilhelm III who commissioned the construction of the Royal Museum - now the Altes Museum - in 1830. The museum was built to allow the general public to view the royal art treasures of Germany.

Technically, however, the idea for the island wasn't devised until around 1841, when Friedrich August Stüler proposed the idea to create a cultural center on the island, which was lauded by all. In 1859, the New Museum was complete. 

The year 1876 saw the completion of the Old National Gallery. The Kaiser-Friedrich Museum (today theBode Museum) was added in 1904 and the final museum, the Pergamon, was completed in 1930.

Sadly, nearly 70% of the buildings were destroyed during World War II and, after the war, the collections were split up between East and West Berlin.

At the end of the 20th century a reconstruction and re-modernization program was started, designed to restore all five museums.

Bode Museum

Altes Museum

Neues Museum

Pergamon Museum

So ,it`s very hard for us to see and look many types of museum at one states and the different design and concept at every mesuem. From my observation,every mesuem has thier own theme and concept to show to the people and they want to state that Berlin have a lot of museum which have their own history.

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